Sunday, October 29, 2006

Graffiti, eh?

It feels like forever ago that my friend Gale suggested I "graffiti my blog". Here's the truth: I am still embarrassingly intimidated by the blogging world. I traipsed over to Foxxfyre's Black and White Art Blog more times than I can even count, every time with the intention of graffiti-ing, and every time I chickened out. Isn't that ridiculous? I have a feeling that I will get reprimanded for this post. Certain people will be saying "Jo! Don't be silly! You are always welcome in the world of blogging!" And I know I am, but sometimes I feel shy. If you know me at all, that probably sounds ridiculous and possibly a little disconcerting. It's just one of those things, I guess. Sometimes even Jo! feels shy.

But today, triumph! I went and graffiti-ed! I am happy with how it came out. That is 100% original art-work, world! Here for your enjoyment!

Super big thanks to Foxxfyrre for supplying the medium! It was uber mad fun! (yeah, I said it... don't think less of me).

love to all!


Anonymous said...

My comment disappeared on this, jo! That's happened to me more than once this week--some Blogger hiccup. Your wall is fantastic. It is mad fun to do, isn't it? Frank will love this. Did you email it to him already? As I said the first time around when I wrote this comment, how did you get the castle walls so straight without a beach and plastic molds?

jo! said...

it is actually harder to use the old sand medium when constructing upside-down castles. Paint, on the other hand, is much more, um, malleable, i guess. i left a comment witha link over on Frank's blog. I hope he does like it.

Frank Sirianni said...

yes frank does like it very much, and I'll be adding your graffiti post to my blog as soon as I can. I'll drop you a note when I have it ready. I'm a little more behind than I wanted, but I'm having lots of fun with reviewing the blogs for their posts
Happy Bloggin

jo! said...

Take your time, frank. I'm so glad you liked it!!!